growing soft & grieving hard

Hey there! Welcome to my warmly lit, cozy, quiet space on the web.

I am fully immersed in the work of being / becoming wildly comfy. Thankfully, I’m not alone in this pursuit: I am accompanied by my incredible husband and partner in life, Patrick (he/they), and our four-legged copilots, Rini and Neo.

wildly comfy is a space where we’ll document parts of our special life as we dabble in the art of slow(er) living, question life’s mysteries, and reflect on our existential crises and curiosities.

Connecting with others fills my cup. Please chat with me on instagram at the link on the bottom of my page. I post each blog there and it can act as my comment section.

I'm grateful for each reader - future friends, hopefully - who accompanies me on this journey.

Let's find ways to grow wildly comfy in this wildly uncomfy world.

May you feel safe
May you feel calm
May you feel healthy
May you live at ease

Erika (she/they)